Premier Interpreters for Your Premier Event
Spanish and Portuguese Simultaneous and Consecutive Conference Interpretation/Translation
Interpretation Equipment Rental

Spanish and Portuguese Simultaneous and Consecutive Conference Interpretation/Translation
Interpretation Equipment Rental
We are a Washington D.C.-based team of seasoned Spanish and Portuguese conference interpreters with decades of experience at the highest levels of government, international organizations and the private sector, working both locally and around the world. We provide simultaneous equipment rental and onsite tech support.
When you hire us you're not hiring an agency that turns around and farms out your important event to unproven, third-party subcontractors, charging you an administrative fee to cover its overhead while offering no presence at your venue to tend to your event's evolving needs.
By hiring us directly you know exactly what you're getting:
Interpreters who have been trained (by world-class interpretation schools); tested (by the US Department of State Office of Language Services); vetted (US Government Secret Security Clearance) and held to the most exacting standards by the Washington-based international organizations, development banks, and U.S. government agencies which regularly turn to us for their most technical and sensitive meetings, be it the White House, the Pentagon, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Pan-American Health Organization, Organization of American States, Inter-American Development Bank and any number of prominent think-tanks and NGO's.
What we'll bring to your multilingual conference is a skill-set that we've honed over decades of practice in the field: linguistic competence, accuracy, professional demeanor and aplomb. Your speakers have perfected their message. You need capable interpreters equally committed to accurately and completely rendering that message to the target audience, with no loss of content, nuance or tone. At an international event, quality interpretation is the conduit to seamless, effective communication across languages to ensure full engagement and participation by everyone sitting at the table. Anything less, and your message never gets past the interpretation booth- or worse, it comes out truncated, distorted, denatured. Ditch the overhead, pay only for what you need, but make sure you get what you pay for: Tried and true interpreting professionals at the top of their game.
Whether or not you've ever hired interpreters before, tell us about your event and we'll advise you as to the most appropriate mode of interpretation: Simultaneous or Consecutive-- and the right interpretation equipment for the job: Full or half booth; Portable; Remote or Hybrid. Then we'll prepare a quote.